06 October 2011

Keep looking, don't settle =)

I have always been told that the life that we're living now is just a transit. Since then, I tried to build a stronger side of me in order to prepare for the take off -- from either side; me or you.

Last night I went out with the denss whom -- only Alloh knows how -- i heart and misses them sooo much. After my solah, I cried; thanking Him for granting me with the beautiful opportunity of meeting the beautiful girls. I just asked for a simple meeting, but HE even granted me with more than just that! hamduliLlah. =)

Meeting the denss always bring me back to the memories of our loved Kak Ika (may she will be placed among the soliheen. ameen). Life and death are beyond our control kan? that's the deal. the only thing is to do what's right and avoid what's not. To anyone who knows her, she will always remain the ever-sweet person, who, in tense situations, will be able to cool the air. That was her forte.. her calm, generosity and serenity. She is more than just a sister to me T_T

This song is dedicated in honor of a great lady, taken from us in her youth.. so even when we are old and grey (enshaAlloh), Kak Ika will always remain young, happy and bright.. remembered for her kindness and goodwill towards all.. and, kudos to you Kak Ika.. for the fighter spirit in you that enshaAlloh in the future.. when I am granted with the kiddos, surely will let them know about you... about your spirit and your eagerness in being a good Muslim =)

This morning, I read a news about the late Mr. Job. I never have any interest to know more about him aside from his and her wife's philanthropic efforts before. So this morning, while reading about him, I was linked to youtube (click here) where he was called to address a commencement for Stanford.

He talks about 3 things;
  1. connecting the dots
  2. love and loss
  3. death
and lastly, he said this;
stay hungry, stay foolish.
hey! that is what Islam has taught us jugak kan?

jadilah engkau di dunia ini seakan akan sebagai orang asing atau pengembara.
jika engkau di waktu petang, maka janganlah engkau menunggu pagi
dan jika engkau di waktu pagi, maka janganlah engkau menunggu petang
dan gunakanlah waktu sihatmu sebelum kamu sakit
dan waktu hidupmu sebelum kamu mati

I have accepted that death will come. but it does saddens the heart when you see a father or a mother having to live through life, and yet live to see their child's funeral.

Thus, to my beloved friend... when my time has come, if it is not a burden to you, ketika menyampaikan salam takziah buat kedua ibu dan ayah saya, gembirakanlah hati mereka dengan berkata yang baik baik tentang saya. as for my 26 years of being their daughter, i still didn't have the opportunity to berbakti kepada mereka. Maka semoga dengan ucapan yang baik baik tersebut, sedikit sebanyak mampu menghiburkan hati mereka by the time I go. =)

I thank Alloh for crossing our path, may we will be reunite again enshaAlloh... and the best place for that so called reunion is non else than the Jannah enshaAlloh =)

oh! anyway, you've got to find what you love and live your moment fully!!!! =)


k said...

dear mia, thank you for the beautiful words and quotes. thank you for reminding me of life and death.

sampai bertemu lagi sohabat :)

Duniakuabstrak said...

ingat mati untuk tegah diri melakukan perkara yg salah

Salamiah Endut said...

llizam : dearie, semoga bertemu lagi enshaAlloh. been missing you. big time =)

DuniakuAbstrak : benar!