13 November 2012

When in PGH #2

I personally THOUGHT that i love watching TV and it has to be one of my top listed hobby. haha.

But after almost 3 months staying on my own (far far away from family and friend but obviously not as far as Munirah did. hihi) thn only i started to realize that what i really love is actually to just lazing on a comfy couch with blanket apatahlagi comforter; sipping on hot milo or dark coffee while reading a romance or two (just incase the plot is too boring) especially bila hujan mencurah curah..

Only thn i noticed that what i really need for a place called home adalah;

#1 A corner where i can solah and recite the Quran comfortably and not sweating like a pig. haha

#2 A nice and complete kitchen which has a place where you can sit and read while waiting for your steamed rice to be cooked. mom's advise: buy an electric rice cooker for it's very dangerous to cook and leave the rice to be steamed on stove. so an added point for a place to sit, read and wait. ^^

#3 A radio (eventhough it's cheap.. as long as it's well functioning, i'd love it even more. haha) to hum/sing you a lullaby or a sweet serenade while reading or cooking or busying yourself with house chores.

#4 A huge window/sliding door so that the light can comes in to help you with the reading. i'm so not into a bright light from the lamp. I love it dimmed.

#5 A compound where you can do gardening and barbeque. so cute! haha..

#6 A room to dump all your freaking loads of clothes and clothes and clothes!!

#7 A store room where it can be your second cabinets to put all your bags and shoes neatly.

#8 Bedroom with a nice smell and a set of TV would be nice. just to help you in the middle of the night when you suddenly feel so lonely. haha

#9 Bookshelves with 5s' system in a room where you can claim it as your working area.. sewing.. painting.. artsy thingy.. you name it.

#10 Last but never the least, a good company, for if you have one.. all the list mentioned above will just be a plus option. (i should just put this as #1 to cross all the other lists kann? *sigh*)


Let us start our days ahead with our renewed niat which is solely to search for HIS redho and may this new year will bring us more and more goodness and brighter future with full of barokah and heekmah and may it'll be a leading steps for us in heading the best abode.. the Jennah enshaAlloh



Xiet_Enigma said...

AND WHEN U HAVE SMALL KIDDOS, ALL u need is a magic wand that can help u clean up every mess they make 24/7 :)

Salamiah Endut said...

Allohu akbar... nightmare! hahaha